(Note, I wrote this whole blog already and ended up accidentally erasing. So here I go again!)
So starts the shorts.
We just got back from the big meeting with the writers. Everyone thankfully shows up and pretty much on time.
First things first, the seven writers draw their four actors out of a hat (actually it was out of the blue pouch I use to hold the box office).
Second thing, I announce the first theme to be incorporated. This is the one that came to me while I was doing sketch and then promptly forgot. It's Holidays. And not just any holidays. I went for the obscure ones. Just for grins.
Third thing is the second theme. This one came as a result of me living in abject fear at work of getting laid off and trying to figure out what the hell I would do as there are fewer legal jobs out there and I still wasn't licensed in New York. What with the bad economy and all, people are taking jobs that they wouldn't ordinarily take. Yep, that was the theme - random jobs.
And then the line. Okay, these mad lib lines are hard to come up with. It's tough to come up with something that is distinctive enough to be easily recognizable to an audience member, but still allows the writers some creativity. With some tweaking from Mr. Bradford - the therapist bit was his idea - we came up with this:
"Why are you being a ______________? You're ________________, ________________, and ___________________ - or so my therapist says."
And then parameters.
You had to incorporate both themes somehow.
You had to use the line.
Only 12 pages, but the show couldn't be longer than 15 minutes.
No internal sound or light cues - any sound effects would have to be onstage practicals or they'd have to bring in a CD player and speakers.
They had to have 6 copies of their script at 10 a.m. the next morning.
So here's what each writer left the theatre with:
1) Bill Bria
Holiday: Groundhog's Day
Job: Reality TV Show Host
Cast: Ben Klier, Andrew Lazaroff, Alisha Norris and Gillian Riley
2) Emily Ehlinger
Holiday: Sadie Hawkin's Day
Job: Mad Scientist
Cast: Micah Chartrand, Kate O'Phalen, Alicia St. Louis and Jere Williams
3) Duncan Pflaster
Holiday: Secretary's Day
Job: Butler to a Millionaire Superhero
Cast: Donella Alanwick, Melisa Breiner-Sanders, Emily Evans and Adia Tucker
4) Zach Rothman-Hicks
Holiday: Arbor Day
Job: Petfood Quality Control
Cast: Whitney Elliott, Jeff Kroh, Eddie Rodriguez and Steve Unwin
5) Oliver Thrun
Holiday: Chinese New Year
Job: Ghost Hunter
Cast: Catherine Corbett, Graeme Humphrey, Annie Pesch and Alexia Terrell
6) Michael Weems
Holiday: Boxing Day
Job: Children's Song Writer
Cast: Michael McKeogh, Blaine Pennington, Cara Picone and Dani Suder
7) Spencer Wolf
Holiday: Cinco de Mayo
Job: Judge at a Little Miss Pageant
Cast: Alec A. Head, Derrick Bryant Marshall, Elizabeth May and Lauren Meley
Okay, now that I've rewritten my blog, I have to go update the program so that it is as ready to go as I can make it before tomorrow.
- Christine Weems
Oh good lord. Bet you Bill puts in Bill Murray as a character. Have fun y'all!